What is the Difference between Counselling Study Resource and Counsellor CPD?

The Counselling Study Resource (CSR) and CounsellorCPD are two distinct provisions that are related to counselling and psychotherapy.

CSR primarily aims to support students of counselling and psychotherapy by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the field. The focus is on providing study resources and lectures that relate to the material covered in counselling training programs. While some CPD lectures may be included in the CSR library, they are not the primary focus.

On the other hand, CounsellorCPD is aimed at qualified practitioners who have completed their counselling training and are looking for opportunities to develop and enhance their skills. The emphasis is on practice-based and presentation-type lectures designed to help practitioners improve their counselling techniques and stay current with the latest developments in the field. Unlike CSR, CounsellorCPD does not have related academic resources.

While there may be some overlap between the two provisions, such as lectures that are relevant to both students and qualified practitioners, each focuses differently. Lectures relevant to both provisions may be added to both libraries to ensure that all users have access to the appropriate resources.

In summary, CSR is focused on supporting students of counselling and psychotherapy, while CounsellorCPD is aimed at qualified practitioners. In addition, the CSR library contains study resources, while CounsellorCPD focuses on practice-based and presentation-type lectures.

Updated on 5 July 2023
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