Topic Structure in the Extended Certificate in Online and Telephone Supervision.

Every module within the course encompasses a diverse blend of components designed to enhance your learning experience:

  • Engaging Video Content: Benefit from video presentations by Rory Lees-Oakes, delivering key insights and concepts.
  • Comprehensive Resources: Access downloadable slide packs, transcripts, and sound files to reinforce your understanding.
  • Real-world Application: Immerse yourself in practical case discussions between Rory and Kenneth Kelly. Witness the application of course materials to real-world scenarios, exploring issues directly relevant to the topic.
  • Enriching Resources: Find resources and downloads that further augment your knowledge.
  • Reflective Tasks: Engage in tasks to foster reflection, deepen your comprehension, and encourage active learning.
  • Access to Expertise: Unlock the opportunity for additional learning through access to related specialist lectures.
  • Guided Learning Path: Receive valuable reading and viewing suggestions to enhance your understanding and exploration.

Upon completing each module, click the ‘Mark Complete’ button. This action facilitates your transition to the next module, ensuring a seamless and organized learning journey.

Updated on 11 October 2023
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