Stuck or Frozen Page

If you’re experiencing a stuck, frozen, or unresponsive page, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Reload the page via the keyboard:
    1. Press [CTRL] + [F5] on Windows or hold down Command, Shift, and click the ‘R’ key on Mac. This will clear the page cache and force a fresh reload of the page. The page should respond accordingly.
  2. Reload the page via your browser:
    1. Click the reload button on your browser several times until the page responds. The reload button is usually a circular arrow or a roundabout symbol located at the upper left corner of the page. It may temporarily change to a small ‘X’ but will revert to the circular arrow symbol when the page is reloaded.
  3. Logout and log back in:
    1. If the page is still unresponsive, log out of your account and wait for a minute or two. Then, log back in. This can help refresh the session and resolve any temporary issues.
  4. Test other pages and update your browser if necessary:
    1. If the issue persists, try browsing other websites outside of Counselling Tutor (e.g., YouTube, entertainment, or news pages) and observe if they exhibit similar behaviour. If they do, it could indicate that your browser version is outdated.
    1. Refer to the guide provided at [insert link to browser update guide] for instructions on updating your browser. Additionally, ensure your computer system runs on the latest operating system to maintain optimal performance.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve common issues related to a stuck or unresponsive page. If the problem persists or you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out for additional support.

Updated on 14 August 2023
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