Placement Hours – In person or Online?

In your journey towards becoming a proficient supervisor, balance is key. Our course advocates for a well-rounded competence by combining online and face-to-face practice hours.

Strive for Equilibrium

The goal is to strike a balance between these two modes of practice. Aim to allocate at least five out of your 20 practice hours for online supervision. This not only hones your online skills but also embraces the contemporary landscape of therapy.

The Power of Face-to-Face

While online supervision is vital, don’t overlook the potency of face-to-face interaction. We encourage you to engage in traditional supervision as well. This hands-on experience enhances your proficiency and confidence, ensuring you’re well-equipped for diverse scenarios.

Enhance Your Competence

By embracing both online and face-to-face practices, you’re crafting a comprehensive skill set. This equilibrium is the cornerstone of a well-rounded supervisory journey.

Your Journey, Your Balance

Striking this balance tailors your learning to real-world situations. Remember, it’s not just about the number of hours but the quality of your experience.

Guiding You Along the Way

Feel uncertain about this balance? Need advice on how to navigate it? Our team is here to provide guidance and support. Your journey is uniquely yours, and we’re here to make it a successful one.

Updated on 15 August 2023
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