Key Features of the Extended Certificate in Online and Telephone Supervision

Our Extended Certificate in Online and Telephone Supervision is tailored to offer you a dynamic and enriching learning experience that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Here are the distinctive features that set this course apart:

1. Flexible Anytime-Access Learning: Access your course materials anytime, anywhere through our secure online portal. This flexibility empowers you to integrate learning seamlessly into your schedule.

2. Comprehensive 100+ Hours of Learning: Dive deep into the world of online and telephone supervision with over 100 hours of comprehensive content. This content-rich approach ensures a thorough grasp of the subject matter.

3. Learn at Your Own Pace: Embrace the freedom to learn at a pace that suits you. This self-directed approach allows you to absorb and internalize concepts effectively.

4. Blended Learning for Varied Styles: Our course caters to diverse learning preferences. Whether you’re a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner, our blended approach accommodates your unique style.

5. Reinforcement Through Supporting Documents and Lectures: Solidify your learning through supplementary materials and lectures that reinforce key concepts and insights.

6. Earn a Completion Certificate: At the culmination of your journey, receive a certificate validating your accomplishments. This certificate serves as evidence of your professional development (CPD).

7. Aligned with Industry Standards: Mapped to the competencies outlined by ACTO, BACP, and NCPS for online supervision, our course ensures you’re equipped with the latest industry best practices.

8. Collaborative Learning: Enhance your practical skills by engaging with a course buddy. This collaborative approach enriches your learning through hands-on practice.

Updated on 11 October 2023
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