
At the heart of our course lies your journey to becoming a skilled and confident supervisor. To ensure your success, we have attendance requirements in place.

Commitment to Learning

To fully absorb the training, we require a minimum attendance rate of 80%. This commitment ensures you receive the necessary guidance to flourish in your supervisory role.

Navigating Missed Sessions

We understand life’s demands. If you miss a single live training session, no worries! You can catch up by watching the recording. Just confirm your viewing to us.

Supporting Your Journey

If you happen to miss two live sessions, don’t fret. We’re here to help. We’ll arrange for you to join a different cohort where you can attend at least one of the missed sessions live. You can still access the other through the recording.

Your Journey, Your Pace

Your success matters to us. If circumstances hinder you from meeting these requirements, don’t worry. We’re flexible. Reach out to us, and we’ll discuss options to ensure you remain on the path to becoming a qualified supervisor.

Your Journey, Our Support

Your success is our priority. If the need arises, contact us. We’re committed to crafting a plan that aligns with your aspirations and supports your progress towards becoming a certified supervisor.

Updated on 15 August 2023
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